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Kentisbeare Oil Buying Syndicate


Hilary Sanders (Syndicate Buyer/Negotiator)
Listed below are questions and answers regarding the above scheme. Such schemes have been operating very successfully in numerous villages around the country.

Q. What is it all about?
Kobs was started in 2008 by my lovely friend Bee who later moved out of the village in 2011. There are now over 80 members in the syndicate which is limited to the EX15 postcode within a 2+mile distance of Kentisbeare.
By ordering oil centrally through KOBs I aim to negotiate considerable savings for members on the price of their oil. In addition, we as a group are doing some good towards the environment by reducing the number of lorry journeys into the village. This has the advantage of buying power and helps to get a better price than if we were all buying separately or through on-line groups. It is of particular benefit for those who would prefer to order a smaller minimal quantity and yet still benefit from a reduced price. There is however a minimal order for all companies of 500ltrs per order stipulated by Trading Standards.

Q. How do I join the syndicate?
Simply drop your completed form at bottom of this information page in an envelope to me Hilary Sanders at Applegarth, Priest hill (opposite the church and down the gravel track) or sign and email it back to me.

Q. How do I place an order?
I will generally send out an e-mail every 3-4 weeks to ask if any-one needs any oil. By doing an order on a regular basis this hopefully acts as a reminder for everyone to check their oil levels, ensuring people do not run too low or run out of oil, which is
incredibly expensive. Please reply to me (the KOBS buyer) by the deadline stated, with the quantity in litres that you require. You can ask for your tank to be topped up or filled but I need to know the approximate amount you need to do that. This is to avoid drivers
running out of oil during a delivery to the village if they have not set off with an accurate amount, which in turn rather defeats the whole object of the syndicate and may influence, in the future the price I can get. Please include any additional details e.g. if you need to be there to unlock the tank
etc. or be phoned in advance. Please include your address and contact details in the email as I can then copy and paste an order together and avoid potential errors. (Plus, it saves me some time as well.)

Q. What I do.
My role is entirely voluntary and I am committed to getting the best price for us all. Because I have done this now for several years, the companies know me and are inclined to offer a more competitive price so I phone around to get the best price for
you all. I choose to fit this around my life and for my own sake I stick to the date that I set as a deadline to you to get back to me. I keep an eye on the current price of oil which these days has more to do with global economics, and sadly, wars rather than the weather, although that still plays some part in the price. I use an on-line company to get an idea of current prices, however, I usually get a better price on the day. (Bear in mind that the on-line company quotes a good price but then adds on an administrative charge once you have placed your order.)
Once I have agreed a price, I will e-mail everyone back on a group email to inform you of the price or telephone those who do not use email. This will normally be the day after the deadline that I have set, so if you have not had the confirmation, then is the time to contact me, preferably by phone, to ensure that I received it in the first place as if left more than a day, the original price will have changed and I will be  unable to add you. On the very rare occasion, an email never reached me or just vaporised. I know that may sound unbelievable but it has happened and whilst I now
do everything I can, such as writing down every request as it arrives, to ensure none are overlooked, and none evaporate, there is nothing I could do if it never arrived to begin with. I will then email you individually with a “copy and paste” taken from the document
with the details that I have sent to the company of your order. This will only include your details and will not be used for any other purposes. Please check that the information is correct and let me know if I have made a mistake. I do my very best to ensure there are no delivery errors but please do your part by being accurate with your delivery details and requirement. Delivery is generally within 5-10 working days of the order being placed but on occasions it can be sooner.

Q. Why do I run this?
I have no idea because we don’t get through a lot of oil ourselves but I do get quite a satisfaction in getting a saving for everyone and it is just my bit of voluntary work for the community.

Q How do you pay for your oil?
Each householder will remain responsible for making their payment to the oil company the KOBs buyer selects. Each householder will be entering into an individual agreement with that supplier and will be subject to their business terms and conditions.
I accept no responsibility for members billing or payment settlements.

If you are new to the syndicate or have not ordered from a specific company before they may ask you for advance card payment details with your first order.

Hilary Sanders. (Syndicate Buyer)
Applegarth, Priesthill Kentisbeare.01884 266297/ 07763347311

Data Protection
Please note that your contact details will be held by me and will only be made
available to selected oil suppliers. They will not be used for any other
purposes or passed to other third parties without prior consent.
Please do not use the group email for any other means of communication and
take care when replying to me. It is preferable if you reply to me directly from
my original email but not “to all” in order to keep your information private but
to also avoid me overlooking an email.

January 2025

Postcode…………………………Email address…………………………………………….
Tel no day:…………………………………
Special details regarding access to tank
By submitting to these details, I give permission for the KOBS buyer to forward my
contact details to selected oil suppliers. I understand that the KOBS buyer will be
placing orders on my behalf and with my permission. I am fully responsible for
honouring the terms and conditions of any oil supplier contracted on my behalf.

Last updated March 2024

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