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Kentisbeare Parish Councillors – Seat Available
There is currently one spare seat on the Parish Council – if you are interested in being co-opted on to Kentisbeare Parish Council please get in touch.
Kentisbeare Parish Council
(Covering Kentisbeare and Blackborough)
Kentisbeare Parish Council depends upon local people taking an interest in what happens in the community.
Meetings are rarely more frequent than one evening a month, and missing the occasional one is acceptable. Most meetings only take a couple of hours.
Just a few things that the council is involved with:
Making representations to planning applications.
Improving and maintaining the playing field.
Parish footpaths.
Christmas lights.
The Parish Council would like to co-opt in November if possible so if you are interested in becoming a Parish Councillor then please contact me by 27/10/21.
Alternatively, contact details for all Parish Councillors are listed on the Parish website.
We hope to hear from you soon. With many thanks, Melanie. Parish Clerk.