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Garden Club Welcomes New Chair
July 25, 2017

The popular Blackborough Garden Club has welcomed a new Chair, Jo Talling. Read on for more info about the club and upcoming dates.

Garden Club

I have recently taken over as Chair of the Garden Club following Pippa Lovering’s decision to stand down and on behalf of all the members and committee I would like to thank Pippa for Chairing the Garden Club so well during her tenure.

I have lived in the village for just over 9 years with my family at Western Cottage. I look forward to meeting members old and new at a number of events we have planned for the year ahead.

I have the help and support of a small committee including Gwen Sloman-Brown, Andrea Penfold and Jenny Patton.  We are always looking for new members and if anyone would like to join the committee please let one of us know.

The Club has always organised a number of events throughout the year and we wish to see this continue.  We started with the successful Spring Plant Sale on the 13th May, which was well supported and since then we have also visited Jeremy White’s nursery locally where he has a magnificent collection of succulents. Jeremy is very knowledgeable and was able to provide us with all sorts of information about the huge variety of succulents available and their care and propagation. 

We have a program of activities planned for the rest of the year.  Please hold the dates below in your diaries:-

2nd September Flower Show (schedule and entry form in the Parish magazine)

30th September Autumn Plant Sale

8th December Speaker and Social Event

We currently have just over 30 members, but everyone is welcome, please come and join us where the emphasis is on both gardening and social gatherings.  I very much hope you will help us to make the Garden Club flourish over the years ahead. Please feel free to contact me, or any of the committee for further information and to put your name on our mailing list.

Jo Talling

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