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Council issuing fixed penalty notices for littering and dog fouling
May 5, 2017

During April the Council’s District Officers have been out speaking to and educating the public and, where it was deemed necessary, have issued 4 fixed penalties for littering, each coming with an £80 fine.

Fixed penalty photo

Councils throughout Devon spend a huge amount of tax payers money cleaning up litter and fly tipping every year and Mid Devon District Council has prioritised dealing with the people who blight our beautiful area.

Stuart Noyce, the Council’s Waste & Transport Manager, said: ‘We would like to thank everyone who acts responsibly; taking their litter home or using the bins provided. However, those who fail to respect the local environment, or think it’s OK to thoughtlessly dump chewing gum, cigarette ends or other rubbish on the ground, take the  risk of receiving a Fixed Penalty Notice’.

During April the Council’s District Officers have been out tackling this unsocial behaviour; speaking to and educating the public and, where it was deemed necessary, have issued 4 fixed penalties for littering, each coming with an £80 fine.

Littering is not the only anti-social problem the Council is tackling. In March a Cullompton resident was issued with a dog fouling Fixed Penalty Notice after failing to pick up the mess their dog left outside a popular play area.  The person was issued with an on-the-spot fine.

The majority of residents in Mid Devon often complain that this behaviour is unacceptable. Rest assured the Council is taking action to educate and enforce on these issues.

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