Local services and clubs
Kentisbeare Riding Club
Kentisbeare has a new Riding Club! We have so many keen riders and excellent riding trainers in and around Kentisbeare, we thought it would be good to have our own club. We already have 15 adult and junior members and would love to hear from anyone who would like to join. We hold regular training sessions with Sue Edwards, a local BE accredited trainer We are very lucky to be able to use Kentisbeare House riding arena for these sessions and are very grateful to Sarah Allen for allowing us to be based there for our ridden activities.
We are planning sessions with other local trainers, as well as instructive horsey talks and social events. We plan to affiliate with British Riding Clubs during the coming months and then hope to put together some competitive junior and senior teams. However we encourage participation at all levels and ages and will do our best to cater for everybody’s interests. Ridden sessions are usually between 6 and 8pm, so if you think you might want to join, feel free to drop in and see what we do.
Otherwise please check out our facebook page for further information or contact:
Jo Treweek jotreweek@gmail.com
Sally Woofenden sally@woofenden.com
Michelle Verdon-Smith c/o dverdonsmith@vscconsulting.co.uk