St. Mary’s
Opening Times
St Mary’s is open every day. Please feel free to pop in and take a moment of quiet prayer and reflection in the serenity of this beautiful house of God.
All are welcome to Sunday services, every Sunday at 11am. Services normally alternate between Communion and Morning Worship.
Life Events
For weddings and baptism to please contact Sarah Leyman and for funerals Elizabeth Hoar.
(Contact details below)
St Mary’s is one of the most beautiful Parish Churches in Devon. First Consecrated in 1259 it is Grade 1 listed. The chequer board stonework in the tower is unique in Devon, the 15th century Rood Screen is thought by many writers to be the finest in Devon. Untouched by the restorer’s hand, the paintwork and silver gilt are now 600 years old. There is a peel of 6 bells in the tower which are rung regularly before services and at weddings and funerals. Their sound and quality of ringing attract may visiting teams of ringers. There are many fascinating and beautiful historical features to St Mary’s, and a guidebook explaining these features is available within the church for £2.
Safeguarding Young people and vulnerable adults
We want everyone to feel safe and free to worship in our church services and to be able to take part in activities run by the church. With this in mind we have a Safeguarding policy which is available in the church building or by contacting our Parish Safeguarding Officer Mrs Sarah Pritchard (01884) 266673.
If you have a concern about the safety of someone or the actions of someone working with children or vulnerable adults, please speak to Mrs Pritchard.
Alternatively please feel free to contact the Diocesan Safeguarding Team:
If you are a young person and you feel unhappy about something happening to you, you can also call Childline on 0800 11 11
Local Minister: Lay Reader, Chris Russell Tel. 01884 35098
St Mary’s is part of the Culm Valley Mission Community group of churches.
Mission Community Children, Schools and Youth Ministry Development Worker: Claire Nichols
Tel: 01884 840248
Church Wardens
Mrs Elizabeth Hoar – 01884 33164
Mr Gerry Leyman – 01884 266425
Assistant Wardens
Mrs Sarah Leyman – 01884 266425
Churchwardens Emeritus
Mrs Sonia Brake – 01884 266405
Church Officers
PCC Secretary: Mrs Elizabeth Hoar – 01884 33164
PCC Treasurer: Mrs Clare Benson
Parish Safeguarding Officer: Mrs Sarah Pritchard – 01884 266673
Organist: Mrs Rachel Carr – 01884 266463